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Index of all Fields and Methods


accept(File, String). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.JavaFileFilter
accept method, accepts only java files not in the excluded list
addFromLine(String). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
add the appropriate words from the line specified the start of the line may or may not be part of a multi line comment depending on the current state of inComment addFromLine and replaceLine are similar except replaceLine has to store a new line and wirte that to a buffer Creation date: (30/12/2001 2:47:03 PM)
addUsage(). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.WordData
increments the count of this word Creation date: (30/12/2001 9:39:56 PM)
addWord(String). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.WordDataStorage
Inserts a word in the right place (or increments a usage count Creation date: (30/12/2001 9:06:02 PM)


binarySearch(ComparisonObject[], ComparisonObject). Static method in class bradel.wordchanger.StaticSortSearch
perform a binary search Creation date: (30/12/2001 5:11:37 PM)
binarySearch(String[], String). Static method in class bradel.wordchanger.StaticSortSearch
perform a binary search Creation date: (30/12/2001 5:11:37 PM)
binarySearch(Vector, ComparisonObject). Static method in class bradel.wordchanger.StaticSortSearch
perform a binary search if the element is not found the method returns -(1+low) low will always be at least 0, so this is okay low will also point to the element where to insert the new element for example, in the list (b,c,d) checking for aa yields low=0 high=-1 checking for bb yields low=1 high=0 checking for cc yields low=2 high=1 checking for dd yields low=3 high=2 therefore low shows where to insert (even when the list is empty) Creation date: (30/12/2001 5:11:37 PM)


CFGBASEDIRTAG. Static variable in class bradel.wordchanger.WordChanger
identifies a base directory
CFGCHANGEDFILEDIRTAG. Static variable in class bradel.wordchanger.WordChanger
identifies the changed file directory
CFGDEBUGTAG. Static variable in class bradel.wordchanger.WordChanger
identifies whether there should be debugging output
CFGEXCLUDELISTFILETAG. Static variable in class bradel.wordchanger.WordChanger
identifies the files that contain the words to exclude
CFGNOTSCANNEDFILESTAG. Static variable in class bradel.wordchanger.WordChanger
identifies the files that are not to be scanned
CFGOUTPUTCONVERSIONDATATAG. Static variable in class bradel.wordchanger.WordChanger
identifies where to store the conversion data, if any
CFGPACKAGEDIRTAG. Static variable in class bradel.wordchanger.WordChanger
identifies the package directory
CFGPREFIXTAG. Static variable in class bradel.wordchanger.WordChanger
identifies what prefix to use
CFGREVERSECONVERSIONDATATAG. Static variable in class bradel.wordchanger.WordChanger
forces a reverse conversion based on some file
compareTo(ComparisonObject). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.ComparisonObject
Compares two objects lexicographically.
compareTo(ComparisonObject). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.WordData
compareTo method, just check the word value as two strings if the parameter is null, this is bigger (return 1) if the parameter is not htis object, this is smaller (return -1) if the passed in parameter is not a WordData object print an error
ComparisonObject(). Constructor for class bradel.wordchanger.ComparisonObject
ComparisonObject constructor does nothing
convertAll(String). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
sets the convertTo field of the WordDataStorage unit Creation date: (01/01/2002 8:32:13 PM)
convertAll(String). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.WordDataStorage
Insert the method's description here.
convertTo. Variable in class bradel.wordchanger.WordData
what the word should be changed to
count. Variable in class bradel.wordchanger.WordData
keeps the count of how many occurences of the word happened
createNewFiles(String[], String[], LineScanner). Static method in class bradel.wordchanger.WordChanger
Read the file, save the new file to a string, and then overwrite the old file.
createWordDataStorage(String[], LineScanner). Static method in class bradel.wordchanger.WordChanger
Record what has to be changed in all of the files.


debug. Static variable in class bradel.wordchanger.WordChanger
by default debug output is off
DEFAULTCFGFILE. Static variable in class bradel.wordchanger.WordChanger
default file name for the configeration file
deltaInsertionSort(ComparisonObject[], int, int). Static method in class bradel.wordchanger.StaticSortSearch
This is an insertion sort routine used in shell sort that shifts all the elements in a certain set that are bigger than the first element so that the first element can then be inserted on one side The set of elements is determined by the delta value, since each element is delta elements from its neighbour.
deltaInsertionSort(String[], int, int). Static method in class bradel.wordchanger.StaticSortSearch
This is an insertion sort routine used in shell sort that shifts all the elements in a certain set that are bigger than the first element so that the first element can then be inserted on one side The set of elements is determined by the delta value, since each element is delta elements from its neighbour.


excludedWordsLists. Variable in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
array of storage elements that containw words not to change/include


FileManipulationObject(). Constructor for class bradel.wordchanger.FileManipulationObject
FileManipulationObject constructor does nothing.
filesNotScanned. Variable in class bradel.wordchanger.JavaFileFilter
used to identify what files not to include


getConvertTo(). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.WordData
returns the convertTo string Creation date: (30/12/2001 10:21:41 PM)
getConvertTo(String). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.WordDataStorage
gets the string that the original should be converted to Creation date: (30/12/2001 10:17:52 PM)
getWord(). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.WordData
returns the word used by this storage element Creation date: (01/01/2002 10:17:46 PM)


holdsWord(String). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.WordStorage
checks if the word is in the word list Creation date: (30/12/2001 2:18:17 PM)


inComment. Variable in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
keeps track of whether the start of the line being examinded is in a multi line comment
isExcluded(String). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
checks whether the word is on any of the excluded lists Creation date: (31/12/2001 1:38:47 PM)


JavaFileFilter(). Constructor for class bradel.wordchanger.JavaFileFilter
JavaFileFilter constructor sets variables to null
JavaFileFilter(Vector). Constructor for class bradel.wordchanger.JavaFileFilter
constructor that saves a reference to the vector which contains the files to filter Creation date: (01/01/2002 1:19:26 PM)


KEYWORDS. Static variable in class bradel.wordchanger.WordChanger
java keywords, not to be changed


LineScanner(). Constructor for class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
LineScanner constructor sets objects to null
LineScanner(WordStorage[]). Constructor for class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
constructs or saves the references of the important storage elements that this class depends on.


main(String[]). Static method in class bradel.wordchanger.WordChanger
Starts the application.
MAXSINGLELENGTH. Static variable in class bradel.wordchanger.WordDataStorage
the longest length of a string that will have it's own Vector/matrix set
MAXWORDSPERLINE. Static variable in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
the maximum words per line before overflow occurs
modifyFile(BufferedReader, BufferedWriter, LineScanner). Static method in class bradel.wordchanger.FileManipulationObject
Reads the appropriate file and for each line calls the appropriate lineScanner function The code is almost identical to readFile but unfortunately Java does not have funciton passing so I have to duplicate all of the code.


newFile(). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
at the top of a file, the first line is not in a comment Creation date: (30/12/2001 2:46:31 PM)


parseLine(String). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
parses the line so that all of the beginning and end indices of the words will be stored in two arrays (and an overflow Vector if necessary) Creation date: (30/12/2001 2:47:03 PM)


readFile(BufferedReader, LineScanner). Static method in class bradel.wordchanger.FileManipulationObject
Reads the appropriate file and for each line calls the appropriate lineScanner function The code is almost identical to readFile but unfortunately Java does not have funciton passing so I have to duplicate all of the code.
replaceLine(String, BufferedWriter). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
modify the appropriate words in the line specified the start of the line may or may not be part of a multi line comment depending on the current state of inComment The new line is writen to the buffered writer addFromLine and replaceLine are similar except replaceLine has to store a new line and wirte that to a buffer Creation date: (30/12/2001 3:29:20 PM)
reverseConvertTo(BufferedReader, String). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
performs a reverse conversion Creation date: (01/01/2002 10:25:49 PM)
reverseConvertTo(BufferedReader, String). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.WordDataStorage
perform a reverse conversino take the buffer, and get the two string arrays out of it (as vectors) uses the Vectors to identify what has to be replaced If something cannot be replaced then it is left alone Creation date: (01/01/2002 10:41:01 PM)


setConvertTo(String). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.WordData
Insert the method's description here.
shellSort(ComparisonObject[]). Static method in class bradel.wordchanger.StaticSortSearch
Perform a shell sort A shell sort starts off with a delta of some sort and then performs an insertion sort on elements that are delta entries apart Creation date: (30/12/2001 4:19:01 PM)
shellSort(String[]). Static method in class bradel.wordchanger.StaticSortSearch
Perform a shell sort A shell sort starts off with a delta of some sort and then performs an insertion sort on elements that are delta entries apart Creation date: (30/12/2001 4:19:01 PM)
STATEAFTERSLASH. Static variable in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
after slash, may be a comment
STATEINCHARLITERAL. Static variable in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
in a character literal
STATEINCHARLITERALAFTERBACKSLASH. Static variable in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
in a character literal, but next character can be a single quote
STATEINSTRING. Static variable in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
in a string
STATEINSTRINGAFTERBACKSLASH. Static variable in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
in a string, but next character can be a quote
STATEINWORD. Static variable in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
parsing a word
STATELINECOMMENT. Static variable in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
a line comment, that's it for this line
STATELONGCOMMENT. Static variable in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
a long comment, may or may not end on this line
STATELONGCOMMENTAFTERASTERIX. Static variable in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
a long comment which may be broken
STATENORMAL. Static variable in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
normal state
StaticSortSearch(). Constructor for class bradel.wordchanger.StaticSortSearch
ShellSort constructor does nothing


toString(). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
prints the wordList.
toString(). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.WordData
prints the value of this word data object Creation date: (30/12/2001 9:48:02 PM)
toString(). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.WordDataStorage
Insert the method's description here.
toString(). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.WordStorage
creates a string with the list of words Creation date: (30/12/2001 9:45:56 PM)


word. Variable in class bradel.wordchanger.WordData
the actual word
WordChanger(). Constructor for class bradel.wordchanger.WordChanger
WordChanger constructor does nothing
WordData(). Constructor for class bradel.wordchanger.WordData
WordData constructor sets all to null
WordData(String). Constructor for class bradel.wordchanger.WordData
sets the approriate word and sets the count to 1 Creation date: (30/12/2001 9:10:02 PM)
WordDataStorage(). Constructor for class bradel.wordchanger.WordDataStorage
WordDataStorage constructor creates the vectors
wordDataVectors. Variable in class bradel.wordchanger.WordDataStorage
stores all the words in a sorted fashion
wordEndIndex. Variable in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
points to the character immediately after a word
wordList. Variable in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
contains all the words to change
wordOverlow. Variable in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
used when overflow occurs
words. Variable in class bradel.wordchanger.WordStorage
aorted array of words
wordsInLine. Variable in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
the number of words in the current line
wordStartIndex. Variable in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
points to the start of each word
WordStorage(). Constructor for class bradel.wordchanger.WordStorage
WordStorage constructor sets the array to null
WordStorage(String[]). Constructor for class bradel.wordchanger.WordStorage
copies the array and sorts it if the array is null, just set a null array Creation date: (30/12/2001 2:17:52 PM)
writeConversionData(BufferedWriter). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.LineScanner
writes the conversion data out to a file Creation date: (01/01/2002 10:11:13 PM)
writeConversionData(BufferedWriter). Method in class bradel.wordchanger.WordDataStorage
writes the conversion data.