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Borys Bradel's Home Page
"However the last 10%, getting it to work, can easily take 10 times as
long as figuring out how to do it..." Geoff Howland, Lupine Games Accessed Dec 28, 2001
These are more links that I have accumulated. I am in the process of sorting
and consolidating all of these links.
Old Quick Links
The Old New Thing
Planet Lisp
A Fresh Cup
How to Save the World
Escape From Cubicle Nation
Business Pundit
Mind Hacks
The Daily WTF
Guy Kawasaki's Blog
Presentation Zen
Creating Passionate Users
Hiring Technical People
Managing Product Development
Joel on Software
programming musings
CS Seminars
Stevey's Blog Rants
Paul Graham
Educational Psychology
Andy Kessler
Alfred Publishing:
Publishes a good set of books for music students.
Musica Viva:
Free sheet music and more
Real World Technologies - article about new processors:
Deals with new Alpha and Intel processors
Real World Technologies:
Many articles about processors.
The Weather Network
Has ski conditions for all the resorts in Canada
The Globe and Mail
A very good Canadian newspaper
Unix Shell Scripts A biref intro to schell scripts.
S.O.S. Mathematics
A set of pages that deals with mathematical concepts in a simple fashion.
Linux System Failure Post-Mortem
An article that discusses what to do if a system failure occurs. A part
of many various articles on Linux on this web site.
Steve Loates Keyboard Centre
KAOS Music Centre
DIana's Electronics Info Page
- Black Hats
Prefer Linux
Contains some info about what security programs to use
GameBoy Advanced Resource management
GameSpot Hardware: How to Build a PC:
Discusses the details of building a PC. Gamespot is also a good site.
Links to Things (
Resources for ECE 291
Trish's PS-2 & OS-2 Help Page
Welcome to Color Matter - Table of Contents
WE-MAN!'s Electro Stuff
PC KITS-links page
Warren Miller Entertainment Canada
Study Cell
Learn Chinese Online
Some links to help you learn chinese
Online Classical Radio Station
WinAmp Radio
A list of many online radio stations
JCC's SQL Std. Page:
Links about the SQL database standard
Some MIDIs from A.Volkov's collection:
A bunch of midi's.
Linux programs at Tucows:
Tucows is a web site with many programs to download. This is for linux
TreeLight Systems:
Has some interesting stories about how unhealthy the majority of
processed food is.
Microsoft Releases Shared Source CLI and C# Implementation:
CLI is Common Language Interface. Studying these may be useful for
Chillling Effects Clearinghouse:
Deals with online rights.
Pekao Canada:
A travel and trading company with a Polish background.
No Starch Press:
Publisher of computer books.
Michael Milirud's web page
- The Electronics, Design, Technology, &
Connects to good magazines and web pages on electronics.
- 3D Wallpapers
Lots of interesting graphics here to use as wallpapers.
Secure iXplorer:
Windows front end for PSCP, a secure way to transfer files between systems.
Dia a drawing program:
This program can be used to create UML diagrams and other diagrams.
dia Win32 Installer:
This is the site where I actually downloaded dia from.
A multi purpose text editor, and other programs as well
open source graph drawing software - draws graphs, really nice !!!
wxWindows: A cross platform C++
GUI library.
GNU Midnight Commander
File Manager: Like Norton Commander but for Unix/Linux.
TTSSH: An SSH Extension
to Teraterm
Adobe Printer Drivers - Printer Drivers for Windows
I was finally able to print a proper postscript file in Windows by using
the set of drivers provided here. Just use the generic PostScript printer
and everything should work well.
A good media player for windows
- Ghostscript and GSView
Allows you to readPS and PDF files in Windows (look under GSview)
- ICQ Software
You can download the newest ICQ software or go to ICQ anywhere to use a web
based icq program.
O&O Software GmbHThey have a really
good (and free for non-commercial use) defragmantation utility for Windows
Open Source development web site and repository
Java Optimize and Decompile Environment (JODE)
Open Source Development Network
A portal site with headlines from various other sites
A Java Class Mangler, I actually got this one to work, and it does a good
job, except for renaming classes.
Table of Contents Boost Graph Library
Can be used to format documents properly
Computer Science/Computer Engineering/Programming
Thomas Kistler:
His PhD work involved continuous dynamic optimization, including traces,
data layout, and slim binaries.
Adrian Vetta:
An MIT student in graph theory.
Springer LINK !!!
Many of the books that Springer has published have online PDF versions on this website.
Access to the full articles requires you to be running from a computer
at an institution that subscribes to Springer LINK. In a bunch of different
areas including computer science and mathematics.
Minimum Spanning Tree
Moret and Shapiro's Algorithms P to NP
A resource for developers working on java, internet, or linux software
IBM Journals
Has information on two journals published by IBM, Journal of R&D and the
Systems Journal
1.4.3 Minimum Spanning Tree
Frank McSherry's Homepage:
This site contains some publications on Spectral Analysis.
Vincent Wong's home page:
This person has some articles on adaptive network algorithms.
Graphs Theory - Algorithms - Complexity
Recursive Make Considered Harmful:
Explains how to properly create make files.
Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software (ATLAS)
Conference Program for FDO 1999
Feedback directed Optimization
Software Development SiteDeals with programming and has many
Java and JavaScript Programmaing
Has a lot of tutorials on java and other stuff under the heading
DicK Baldwin's Java Programming Tutorials
- DevX
Lots of articles about programming. Especially enterprise and internet
Introduction to Alpha
Contains info about the Alpha processor
- The
Calculates the size and speed of the memory hierarchy of a system.
- The
Error Correcting Codes Page
Lots of info about ECC.
How to Have
a Bad Research Career A really good presentation regarding research.
CDL hosted databases
Lots of citations for articles can be found here
Journal of Graph Theory:
A web site with articles from the journal.
Game/Graphics Programming
VTK Home Page:
The visualization toolkit, is a high level graphics API on top of OpenGL.
Simple DirectMedia Layer:
A cross-platform multimedia library over OpenGL
Steam Powered:
Online broadband game delivery system.
How do I
make games?
A very good article on how to approach game creation.
Lupine GamesI don't know how good
the games are, but the articles and links are top notch.
Chris Crawford's
Some really interesting articles about programming games.
Game programming tutorials, news, and previews
Demo and game programming site.
MSDN Online Voices - Driving DirectX The Simplifcation of DirectX
Game programming tutorials, news, and previews
Basic Graphics Programming With The Xlib Library
A tutorial about programming with Xlib
Magic Software:
Has source code available to the graphics libraries it developed. They also
have nice and short license agreements, how nice.!!!
- NeHe Productions (OpenGL)
Lots of good tutorials on openGl. Many links too.
- NeHe DirectX Style
Like NeHe, except for directX. Less tutorials than NeHe too.
- Drunken Hyena
Has tutorials that are the same as NeHe but for directX instead.
Contains information about video games, including some stuff about development.
Thomas Homepage
Contains several Java applets.
The Mandomartis Online Courses - Basic Course in Special Effects and Game Programming
in Java
An introduction to java game programming.
Game Development News & Resources
Contains very good demo programs with source code for OpenGL.
The official web page of OpenGL.
WSU Virtual Worlds
Contains a set of programs that use OpenGL
3D Total - The cg artists home page
Information about 3D computer graphics.
Contains a bunch of OpenGL tutorials
Nate Robins - OpenGL
More OpenGL tutorials
- - Game Creation on the Cheap
Lists tools that are inexepnsive to use for programming.
GQinfinity - DigiCam Gallery
More online pictures on one of my friend's web site.
GQinfinity - Digital Gallery
A ton more pictures, but you need a login to get access.
The World of IndyComp 0T1
Adriana(a.k.a. IndyComp0T1)'s Web Page.
Indy Comp 0T1 Pictures
Yahoo! Photos - Peggy Wu
Peggy Wu's Home Page (no longer works, it seems)
Lee Chang's web page
Toronto & University of Toronto
CNS Web Page:
Computer Operations at U of T
Other Computer Stores:
This computer store's web page actually lists many of the computer stores
in Toronto.
Cule Local 3902:
U of T TA union site.
- U of T Information
This is where U of T students can license software for their school work.
University of Toronto Email web access
Access to your email account, assuming you're a U of T student.
U of T Athletic Centre
Online information about the athletic centre and its hours of operations.
Dytech Computers
Very good computer prices
ECE Seminars:
A list of seminars within ECE.
Upcoming Events:
A list of seminars within CS.
OTA Computing Solutions Gateway
Expensive, but they list laptop prices
- Vistek Canada Has camera equipment
Toronto Cinema List
Get movie showing times
U of T
Engineering Registar's Office
Find out about engineering courses here
Programming Contests
A programming contest site that will pay the contest winners money.
ACM Freiburg Programming Contest 1999 and 2000
Contest Standings
I'll Be Done In (By) Five
C Programming
C Language Impelemantations
Programming in C
comp.lang.c FAQ
David Fotland's Many Faces of Go
Go An Addictive Game
John Bate's GO Page
Ken's Go (Baduk, WeiQi) Page
Has go problems to go through. Really nice !!!
Sensei's Library Front Page
MindZine - Go - Learn Index
Installation Jago
The Go Teaching Ladder
- Fortran Tutorial
A tutorial on fortran
Fortran program to measure elapsed time
There's also some interesting stuff on these web pages.
The complete social engineering FAQ: Discusses social engineering
Social Engineering Article:
Another web site that deals with social engineering.
Social Engineering Hackers Article: Discusses common techinques that are used.
Social Engineering Fundamentals, Part I: Hacker Tactics: An article that
deals with security and social engineering.
Symantec Internet Security:
Checks your system for open ports and the like.
Nethods of Hacking: Social Engineering: More of the same.
Portable Device OS's
Psion Revo - Charging/Battery Information:
Discusses how to properly charge the batteries for this device (the device
is discontinued).
Symbian has a set of OS's for portable devices incluing Psion and
Nokia products.
Palm OS:
Another OS for portable devices.
Software Engineering
Talks about refactoring
A taste of "Bitter Java":
Like design patterns, but it deals with what not to do.
Bitter Java antipatterns communite:
A web site that discusses anti patterns in some detail.
Testing Resources for Extreme Programming
Online available UML publications: A list of links about UML.
UML: This is a resource page from one
of the main players in the software engineering market.
GORP - Climbing:
A page with a lot of information about climbing, including technique.
Climbing Archive Contents:
The climbing archive is not maintaned any more, but there is still useful
infor there.
The Climbing Guide:
Some simple information about rock climbing.
Rock climbing technique - the lizard:
A little bit on climbing technqiue, but something to keep in mind.
Archive of Rock Climbing
Moves and Tips:
Training For Climbing:
Nice page with some good tips from an author of climbing books.
A site about rock climging
Climbing Magazine:
A nice site.
This web page is maintained by Borys
Last update: April 26, 2007
Address: http://www.bradel/links.html