I am currently a design engineer at Altera Toronto. This is a new website based on my University of Toronto website. Also, I have started, and pretty much stopped, a blog. The entries are entered into indices based on tags, title, and date.
Quick Links: King City Radar Toronto Weather AnandTech SecurityFocus Gamasutra GameSpy Globe and Mail Hamburger Abendblatt Gazeta.pl UserFriendly Dilbert Dork Tower ExtraLife Nodwick Full Frontal Nerdity NewScientist Feedback UofT Music events Intellectual Affairs ACM Books Program
My favourite keyboard layout is Colemak. The best site to practice is here, which supports Colemak even though it is for another layout.
This web page is maintained by Borys
Bradel. Last update: Feb. 1, 2010
Address: http://www.bradel.com/index.html