Download freely(and yet they are to come) READ: Jn 4:35 2 Thes 2:7 1 Jn.4:3 ; Jn 3:18 INTRO:Many things in the Bible are future, BUT there are some that are "already"==Gk. an adverb of time "Now"--yet they are to come 1--ANTICHRIST TO COME--1 Jn 2:18 BUT ANTICHRISTS ALREADY--1 Jn 4:3 ; 2:18 (Anti--against--not a false Christ) Denies--Father and Son--1 Jn 2:22 Deny that He has come: His Deity-His resurrection--His Coming again 2--MYSTERY TO COME--2Thes 2:7 BUT MYSTERY OF INIQUITY (iniquity--lawlessness) With man this began in the Eden Gen. 3: 2 Cor 11:3--Satan became the god of this world of sinners 2 Cor 4:4--blinding their minds.... His work was deceit 1 Tim 2:14 He already was the "prince of the power of the air" (fallen angels) It was as "prince" and not "god that he was judged--Jn 12:31; 16:11 This will increase--2 Tim 3:13-- Matt 24:12 after the rapture 2 Thes 2:7 APPLY: Are you ready for the rapture? 3-- HARVEST TO COME Rev. 14:15 BUT HARVEST IS READY Jn 4:35 Rev. 14:15 Great harvest to come Joel 3:14 READ What did He means? Samaria was to be evangelize Sheep without a shepherd--Matt. 9:36--prey to wolves--(false prophets)-- Sinners are likened to Isa 53:6 APPLY:ARE your among them? Do you know the good Shepherd? 4--DAY OF JUDGMENT TO COME BUT CONDEMNED ALREADY--Jn 3:18 Acts 17:31--Heb. 9:27 Condemned already--Jn 3:18 In Adam--Rom 5:18 The World--Rom 3:19 Wages is death--Rom 6:23 Wrath already Rom 1:18--Jn. 3:36 The EXECUTION WILL COME LATER Rev. 20:11 What does it mean "believeth not"? Not trusting Him as Saviour