Larry Marsden, VA3LDM
the Toronto Amateur Radio club, VE3TNC

Welcome to my permanently "Under Construction" home page since 2001. [Image of worker with a shovel -- old standby gif]
Picture of Transceiver

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LE FastCounter

And now for a time check.
U.S. Naval Observatory Atomic Clock Clock

Next Regular meeting : third Monday ,16th of November, 2009. 

This will be the third meeting of the year (Sept - June meeting season),  
Note - this is the last meeting of this season before our summer holiday break.

 The delegated phone people and email notifiers
remind everyone know a week ahead. 

Guest speaker info:


Important Minutes From Previous Meetings.

TO: The Members of the Toronto Amateur Radio Club
RE: Discussion at last meeting.
Just a reminder of Hughs eloquent words at a previous meeting, regarding our clubs future and the future of amateur radio in general.

As you remember, Hugh advised us to start thinking of members to fill the following club executive positions:

- President
- Vice-President
- Treasurer
- Secretary (?)
- Program Convener

As he also reminded us, not just our club, but all radio clubs are slowly dying. We need ideas as to how to attract and retain new members.

Among the thoughts Hugh put forward were contacting and visiting other clubs, to learn how they are coping and if they may have any strategies that could assist us too.

Keith suggested possibly setting up a sister club in the east end of the city, and agreeing upon a boundary to determine to which club prospective members should be referred. In addition, we should take advantage of the opportunity to profile the club in the community newspapers.

Larry suggested getting a few members together to draft such an article.

Keith also suggested we should contact community groups, such as churches and scout groups as possible sources for prospective members.

Please consider seriously what was discussed, as the future of our club, and of amateur radio both depend on it.

Important Note for those who may not have heard:

It is with regret and sadness that I inform you of the passing
in October 2003 of Norm Dennis, VE3ZH.
Last year Norm retired as Club President, and it was with mixed feelings
that we said thanks to Norm for nearly 40 years of guidance and
his able leadership at the helm.
Norm will be sorely missed by all who new him.

Upcoming Flea Markets/Hamfests: (For 2009/2010)

More dates and info to come...
also see for more info.


NOTE: Field Day "What to Bring" document. ( Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader).

Notice: As "sometimes" instructor this year at the Toronto Amateur Radio Club (TARC)

I invite interested persons to come out to the Basic Amateur Radio course to be held at: 

Edithvale Community Centre, Room 123, on Finch Avenue west of

Yonge Street in North York

( A map of the area.).

( A simple map/layout for the Meeting Location. ).

on Monday evenings: first,second and fourth Mondays of the month (Oct. thru April): Morse Code starting about 6:45 PM. Basic theory starts about 8:00 PM. On the third Monday of each month the regular monthly club meeting is held starting at 7:30 PM, so no theory that night but, Morse Code usually (except December) runs 6:30 to 7:30 PM. on meeting nights. Enter on the ground floor from the south-east corner, turn right and go to the second door on the right(room 123).

Notice: (For 2008/2009)

Regular club meetings resumed on the third Monday of September, 2009.
Basic and Morse Code classes can be run as needed and if there are enough

request, we need 3 or 4 at least.


The Next Teaching Meeting will tentatively be --- in the fall, 2009,

depending on interest and room availability.

The courses for new Hams and code practice should begin again in September 2009
and continued through to March/April 2010 as needed. (Location to be determined)...
Testing usually begins in January, but can be arranged as needed through to May/June.

Interested people are always encouraged to join, late starters can always
catch up if you are determined ... and of course, there is always next season.


A view of me up a tower re-aiming a beam with a busted rotator.(118k)

Another view after the beam was manually re-aimed.. (118k)

A simple map/layout of the building for the Meeting Location..

More info on TARC (Toronto Amateur Radio Club)

and links to hundred's of other HAM places.

Field Day "What to Bring" document. (Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader).

For further information, email me at the address below, or just show up at the classroom on a meeting night.

Larry Marsden ( )