Position : Central Midfielder
 Birth  Date :  Mar. 22nd 1976
 Height :  5'10"
 Weight :   75 Kgs
 Birth  Place : 
 Country :  Liberia
 Nationality : Liberian


  • LPRC Oilers (Liberia), LTC Satelitte (Liberia)


  • 1st Divison Seasons: 3
  • 1st Divison Games: 60
  • 1st Divison Goals: 21

Internacional Caps:

  • 6 games vs Nigeria, Cape Vert, Mauritius, South Africa - African Cup Qualifyer and World Cup Qualifyer;  Colombia Minnesota and Mexico - friendly games 


  • Player with great technical skills, very strong physically and great at passing short and long balls. Great vision of the game he works hard during the 90 minutes. 








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