Vitor Bonilla

Birth  Date :  January 23rd 1971
Birth  Place :  Colombia
Position :  Striker ( #9 )
Height :   1,77m
Weight :  73Kgs
Country :  Colombia

Professional  History :

  • 92/99 - Deportivo Cali - Colombia
             1995 - Champion of Colombia
             1996 - Champion of Colombia
             1998 - Champion of Colombia
             1997 - Libertadores Cup of Americas 
             1998 - 2nd top scorer of clubs in the world
             1999 - Runner-up Libertadores Cup of Americas
             1999 - Top scorer Libertadores Cup ( 6 goals )
    99/00 - Real Sociedad - Spain
    2000 - Salamanca - Spain ( 12 goals )
    00/01 - Toulouse - France ( 15 goals ) - 3rd top scorer of the league
    01/02 - Nantes - France ( 2 goals )

National Team                                        

  • 1997 - Copa America
    1999 - Copa America - ( 3 goals )
    2000/2002 - World Cup Qualification 


  • Player with great skills and a superb touch of the ball. Great on one-on-one and very dangerous in the box. A top class player and a goal scorer.


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