Faustino Hernan Asprilla Minestroza

Birth  Date :  November 10th 1969
Birth  Place :  Tulua, Colombia
Position :  Striker ( #9 )
Height :   5'11
Weight :  158 lbs 
Country :  Colombia

Professional  History :

  • 1992 - Voted leading player in the Barcelona Olympic Games qualifying Tournament

    1993 - Appeared in Copa America in Ecuador

    1993 - Joined Italy's Parma and aided in obtaining Cup Winner's Cup.

    1994 - Apearred in USA '94 World Cup for the Colombia National Team.

    1995 - Scored 9 goals in Colombia's appearance in Copa America in Uruguay.

    1996 - Joined Newcastle United in record breaking signing.

    1997 - Scored 6 goals for France '98 Qualification.

    1997 - Returned to Parma after negotiations with Newcastle.

    1998 - Appeared in France '98 World Cup for the Colombian National Team.


Who is he?:

  • He is the Colombian forward and goal scorer playing on the Colombian National Team. Nicknamed "El Tino," and "La Pantera Negra del Parma," Faustino Asprilla has proven himself to be among the world's greatest forwards. He is currently playing in Italy's AC Parma.  He has made over 34 official appearances and won titles in the UEFA Cup, European Cup Winners Cup, European Super Cup with Parma, and the Colombian championships with Nacional De Medellin. Known for his colorful style and unpredictability, he is one of the most fascinating players to watch.


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