Speaker: Company: Presentation Title: Abstract:  
Matt Huras Distinguished Engineer, Lead Kernel Architect, DB2 Development - IBM Toronto Lab A Sneak Peak at the Next Release of DB2 Linux, Unix and Windows This presentation will provide an in-depth technical look at the features and capabilities of the next version of DB2 on Linux, Unix and Windows (i.e. the next version after 'DB2 9'). Detailed, specific, topics, are still confidential at this time, but will include features and capabilities in the areas of: - base architecture advancements in the area of the task processing model - high availability - storage management - concurrency - compression - backup and recovery For each topic, key information about how to use the feature, it's key internal design points, and expected best practices, will be included.
Bill Minor Manager, DB2 DMS Development - IBM Toronto Lab Data Compression in DB2 9 for LUW The cost of disk storage represents a significant portion of the overall expense associated with large database systems. Data compression is well known on the z/OS platform but has not been readily available on the Linux, UNIX, and Windows platforms...until NOW. In compressing data, disk space is saved by representing the same data with fewer database pages. Data compression also increases the effective density of data which leads to disk I/O savings as more user data can be stored per data page. As well, more data can be cached in the buffer pool, thereby improving buffer pool hit ratios. To achieve these benefits, extra CPU cycles are needed to compress and decompress data. As the IBM development architect responsible for the new table compression feature, I will provide an under-the-covers look into LUW compression which includes, how to use it, how it works, guidelines and best practices, as well as some performance characteristics that can be expected from this new feature.
Serge Rielau IBM Toronto Lab ... and VARCHAR2, too! This talk introduces a grab bag of features in DB2 Viper 2 which make migration from Oracle easier.
Paul Turpin Wachovia Taming a 1 Terabyte Table! When table size gets in the Terabyte range a number of issues arise. Doing maintenance (runstats, reorg, backup, restore, etc) on the objects can be quite tricky. Getting good performance on queries of the table can be very difficult. The DBA must use all the tools at their disposal to solve the maintenance issues and performance issues.  
The Problem Detective Toolkit One of the most difficult situations a database administrator (DBA) faces is resolving a problem with DB2. The problems can range from minor to catastrophic. DB2 now contains a number of tools to assist the DBA in quickly resolving the issues. Some of the tools are fairly new and aren't fully utilized by most DBAs. This session aims to educate the DBA on these excellent problem tools. The session will also explore common UNIX tools that can be used for researching DB2 problems.
Chris Eaton Senior Product Manager
DB2 Competitive Technology -
IBM Toronto Lab
Top Tips from the DB2 Experts Blog Chris Eaton writes what may be the most popular DB2 blog on the internet. With over 15,000 page views per month and over 250 unique visitors to his blog daily, "An Experts Guide to DB2 Technology" is helping people get their job done. Unlike typical blogs where the authors talk about what they ate for breakfast, Chris' blog is all about providing DB2 users with technical tips and sneak previews of upcoming technology. In this session, Chris will share his top 20 most popular DB2 tips from the postings on his blog over the last year. To get a preview, check it out at http://blogs.ittoolbox.com/database/technology/  
Paul Bird Senior Technical Staff Member DB2 Viper 2: What's New in Workload Management This session provides an overview of the new Workload Manager feature contained in the next release of DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows (codenamed Viper 2). Workload Manager is the next generation of workload management for DB2 and, with Viper 2, introduces a significant evolution in the capabilities available to database administrators for controlling and monitoring executing work. Through the use of examples, you will learn about these advanced workload management capabilities and see how they can be used to explicitly allocate CPU priority, detect and prevent "run away" queries, and to closely monitor database activity in a number of different ways. Finally, you will learn about the primary differences between Workload Manager and Query Patroller as well as how they interact in Viper 2.
John Hornibrook Manager, Query Optimization Development DB2 9 adds Advanced statistics - Learn how to use them Database statistics are essential for enabling the query optimizer to choose good execution plans. DB2 for LUW contains a rich set of statistics representing the data characteristics of a single table. But often these statistics are insufficient to capture data characteristics across joins. DB2 9 adds a completely new concept called Statistical Views which are a powerful new form of statistic to capture cross schema relationships.They are particularly useful for correcting for skew and complex predicates. Be among the first to see this new technology and understand how to use it to improve performance of problem queries in your own environment.